Chewing food Thoroughly before swallowing is very important. Because it is considered the first stage that will make the food more refined. Makes the stomach not have to work too hard Helps nutrients to be absorbed into various parts. of the body more easily It also makes the digestive system work well normally. which is the beginning of good health
But what if we don’t chew food thoroughly enough? Our stomach has to bear more of the burden of digesting food. The more difficult food to digest, such as meat, the stomach must secrete acid. And there is more compression than usual causing abdominal distension Bloating or flatulence follows.
ทางเข้า ufabet recommendation is to chew food approximately 32 times before swallowing. However, the number of times food is chewed may vary. Depends on the type of food Food that is soft and watery It will take a little bit of time to bite and chew.
The main goal of chewing is To chew food until it loses its texture In general, The recommendation to chew food 32 times applies to most foods.
For foods that are difficult to chew, such as steak, nuts It may take up to 40 chews per bite. On the other hand, foods that have a lot of water, such as watermelon, may only take 10-15 chews.
Benefits of chewing food 32 times
- Helps the body absorb nutrients from food better.
- Helps the digestive system work more efficiently.
- Reduces the chance of bloating and flatulence.
- Helps you feel full faster.
- Helps you enjoy the taste of food more.
How to chew food correctly
- Bite food into small pieces.
- Chew your food slowly.
- Chew food until it loses its texture.
- Swallow food when finished chewing.
- Focus on eating You should not do anything else at the same time.
- You shouldn’t chew food for too long. Because it may cause dental problems.
- You shouldn’t chew gum often. Because it may cause problems with the jaw joints.
Chewing food correctly It is important to health. Helps the body absorb nutrients better. Helps the digestive system work more efficiently. Reduce the chance of health problems Try changing your eating habits. Emphasis on chewing food slowly. and chew thoroughly for your good health